May Moon Cycle by Rising Sign

Here is the information or breakdown of the May moon cycle. It is broken down by rising sign below

At 1:34pm EDT Friday May 5th there’s a challenging Scorpio Lunar Eclipse representing endings or beginnings in the themes of home versus your public image or career. There’s a possibility of being misunderstood or just not being heard at work and feeling as though you’d much rather be home instead of having to fight your way towards whatever you feel is what you’re meant to be doing in life. Your coworkers may not realize you’re in a tough spot right not and it could possibly have a negative effect your mental health or give a work frienemie a leg up. Having faith and a jovial outlook or at least faking happiness will dampen that person’s joy at seeing you struggle. Just be mindful that your emotions are going to go THROUGH it this day. That’s normal and it’s ok to feel what you’re feeling babes. Just don’t act on those feelings.

The Taurus New Moon happens on May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. How much work and communication are you willing to put into your public image? Into what your new title will be? These are things that you need to do for you. That old saying of “if you knew you could not fail what would you do?” Tell those voices saying horrible things to you about what you are or aren’t capable of to shut the hell up and don’t let others suck up your precious time as their own.



Aries rising: Eclipses represent sudden and sometimes extreme endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your eighth house of other people’s resources or your partner’s resources. In this case it is entirely possible that a miscommunication in your resources is effecting the funds of other people. Maybe it is a hurtful argument with family members or your inner fears about making money or not being able to make enough bubbling to the surface? Either way the home and foundation sector of life is going to be the culprit to this challenging eclipse.  

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your second house of resources or skill sets. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Maybe that argument you had regarding your partner’s resources has prompted you to start taking your own finances more seriously and want growth for yourself. Maybe it’s also prompted you to take your mental health a bit more seriously so that you can enjoy your home life more. Either way, with Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the second house and twelfth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Taurus rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your seventh house of relationships. An inability to communicate or a rehashing of an old argument coming back into play can very well cause a problem in your relationship or partnership. Remember this doesn’t have to refer to a romantic relationship. Maybe this partner doesn’t fit in with your ideals or how you are and wants you to change. Maybe they don’t fit in with your siblings or local community. Whatever the reasoning the third house of communication, travel (modes of transportation you use to travel locally), or technology you use to communicate is going to be the culprit to this challenging eclipse.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your first house of physical body or self-identity. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. You now have clarity and are ready to be the new you. Or at least start the journey to becoming the new you even if it means setting new boundaries with friends and learning to communicate better. Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the first house and eleventh house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Gemini rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your sixth house of work or menial labor. There’s a possibility that you feel like the way a boss or superior at work has been extra hard on you and it’s messing with the way you talk about yourself in your head and your sense of self even if that superior is doing what they’re doing to make you a stronger employee. Maybe you’re asked to work more hours than you usually do or you’re given more tasks that aren’t really your responsibility. Either way your lack of resources (second house) makes it really difficult for you to say no.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your twelfth house of mental health and solitude. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. It’s possible that there’s a new beginning to how you talk about yourself to yourself. It’s in a more positive light. You see the resources that you have as more of a blessing than a burden. Maybe if you work in the health field that boss that was pushing you too hard has explained what they were doing and why and you’re now able to receive a bonus or raise as a result. Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the twelfth house and tenth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Cancer rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your fifth house of creativity, fun, children, or sex. It’s a possibility that the restraints of a higher education program or a legal matter is interfering with your friendships and ability to enjoy life and your mental health as a result. Maybe you’re stuck creatively and are having trouble setting a publishing schedule of your content. Your sense of identity might be suffering as a result as well. Or maybe your physical body is feeling the stress of the moment. Yes it is challenging but it is nothing that you can’t overcome.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your eleventh house of friends, coworkers, or online community/followers. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Have you taken all that content that you spent time creating and put it into a program that sends out scheduled social media posts? Maybe your follower count has gone up as a result. Maybe you’ve thought about your belief system since the Lunar eclipse and now have a better sense of self and identity and are able to enjoy time with friends as a result. Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the eleventh house and ninth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Leo rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your fourth house of home and family roots. Home life might feel stressful for you possibly because of constraints to your partner’s money or the money of other people. Maybe it’s a fear that you will never earn the respect of other people in order for them to want to pay you that results in how much of yourself you want to reveal to the public. Your friends and community is supportive but getting over the voices in your head telling you that you can’t will be the biggest challenge. One you can absolutely overcome if you put effort into building a better belief system.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your tenth house of public image or career. It’s entirely possible that the stress from the Lunar Eclipse allowed you the drive to find a new career that is better for your mental health. Maybe if you work in mental health field your department was able to budget its money and “find” for so you could have the position you deserve if you they were made aware you were considering leaving two weeks ago. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the tenth house and eighth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Virgo rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your third house of communication, neighbors, local travel, modes of transportation, and siblings (or people you consider siblings). There could be a struggle between your beliefs and how you practice those beliefs and it could be due to a partner in your life and maybe their relationship with how they practice their beliefs. There might be difficulty being able to talk with your partner about those topics. For me however this has shown up in a literal sense. I had 2” of water in my car because my husband didn’t realize he didn’t close the sunroof all the way. Was it a challenge? Yes. Was it the end of the world? No. However the eclipse hasn’t gone exact yet so we’ll see how much more comes my way.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your ninth house of long distance travel, publishing, higher education, or legal processes. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Maybe this is a new start with a new program you’ve signed up for which wouldn’t be unusual for you since you all gather degrees like others gather pokemon cards. Maybe an agent has scored a publishing deal for you that is sending you on a book tour? Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the ninth house and seventh house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Libra rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your second house of resources. Remember the second house doesn’t just have to mean material goods it can also mean skillsets that you have that help you to gain material goods or that support you as part of your identity. You’re another group that is having difficulty with their career and the restrictions of the work you have to do from superiors. For you the restriction from superiors is on a more menial task level than an overall career level. It’s entirely possible that the raise you wanted is just not happening right now no matter how much your work partner is advocating for you at the moment. Maybe you’re in negotiations for a new contract and there’s a lot of back and forth between what you need and what they are willing to part with.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your eighth house of other people’s resources, inheritance, or taxes. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. It’s entirely possible that you have created a stricter or more organized work routine that will bring you success in having people part with their money to go towards furthering your career. Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the eighth house and sixth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Scorpio rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your first house of self. You’re the group that is probably going to be feeling the most emotional with this eclipse. There’s a possibility of lots of tears and bringing up shit that you would much rather leave buried even though your partner wants to bring it to light. It’s affecting your belief system and might be constricting your ability to be creative or feel joy.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your seventh house of relationships, partnerships, and open enemies. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. It’s a possibility that you get a new work partner that you really get along well with and will be able to work with or sign a contract with an agent that completely understands you and your work. They’re able to reign you in when you get a million creative ideas that are all over the place. Usually your creativity is like trying to herd cats for a vet visit but this person gets you. . Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the seventh house and fifth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.



Sagittarius rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your twelfth house of mental health or solitude. You might have difficulty keeping that filter in place when someone tries to tell you how to do menial tasks or chores around the house. Maybe you work in a health field and your patients are having difficulty telling you what they need or they are telling you way too much information that you never needed to know about. Your partner is supportive and giving you what you need from them but the resources or skills of your partner are not giving you what you need right now even if they’re able to give you emotional support.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your sixth house of work and menial labor or pets. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. It’s a definite possibility that you end up with an animal that requires extensive training that will stay in your family for a really long time. With Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the fourth house and sixth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.


Capricorn rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your eleventh house of friends and workers. Have there been troubles with your transportation and your ability to gather with friends to have fun? Maybe you have a partner who’s not a fan of your friends and would rather you stay home? Either way, tension with your friends is going to be challenging with this eclipse and your partner may be the culprit.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your fifth house of creativity and fun. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. With Venus now with Mars in Cancer and the harmonious relationship with the third house and fifth house, Mars is no longer able to cause the kind of havoc that he caused back on the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th. It’s possible your partner is able to help you communicate better in order for you to find more joy in life.


Aquarius rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your tenth house of career or public image. There’s things in your foundation that you would rather keep buried but are coming to light and impacting your career. Your sixth house of work and menial labor is causing issues and maybe there’s an emotional response or outburst you couldn’t control that gets filmed and let out. Try to keep your calm. If you work hard enough on communicating you might be able to spin this in your favor… eventually.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your fourth house of home or family foundations. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Venus is now with Mars in your sixth house of work and menial tasks calming his ass down so that he’s not causing as much trouble as he did during the Lunar Eclipse that happened on the 5th. There’s a harmonious relationship between this Moon and your resources and your work. It’s possible that the work you get is allowing you to do work to your home or foundation.


Pisces rising: Eclipses represent endings or beginnings that take place over a six month span of time and the challenging Scorpio lunar eclipse happens on Friday May 5th at 1:34pm EDT in your ninth house of higher education, publishing, or long distance travel. Just like Virgo rising this is happening on the axis between staying local and going further away or an ability to communicate with professors or between your spiritual beliefs and how you practice those beliefs. This time the culprit of giving you trouble is possibly your creativity or thoughts about what brings you joy. If you’re inflexible about your identity or what you need, then you won’t be able to change plans when things inevitably hit the fan with this eclipse. Working on your resources and skill set and accepting help or gifts from family will help to offset the challenges of this transit.

The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday May 19th at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. However this transit is happening in your third house of communication, local community, or forms of transportation. It could also be in regards to siblings or people you consider siblings. This New Moon signifies a new beginning in this area of life and with Jupiter now being in Taurus, should you put extra effort into this area of life then you will go far. Your family or foundation is able to offer you support and is taming the way that this same area of life caused you all sorts of issues during the Lunar Eclipse that happened on the 5th.


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Pisces Rising Astrology Forecast May 2023