Reaching even the tiniest goal feels damn good
Natal Chart Consultation
At the time of our birth the planets and stars were all aligned in a way unique to us as our thumbprints. The birth chart can help us to understand ourselves and our purpose in life. That purpose is not meant to stay the same. It can change and fluctuate just as you can.
60 mins | $120
Solar Return Consultation/Year Ahead
Every year, when the sun returns to the exact degree it was placed at the time of your birth, a new chart is created that will give you an idea of the themes for the upcoming year. This reading can be added on to the Natal Chart Consultation. It is only a stand alone feature for returning clients.
$50 add on
Reach Your Goal Package
You tell me your goal and together we create a customized plan for you to be able to achieve it. The plan includes a natal chart reading, electional astrology and zodiacal releasing to determine timing for best success, and quarterly transit meetings to help keep you on track.
Zodiacal Releasing Consultation/Career or Love Peaks
The Natal Chart allows us to do mathematical equations that give data on peaks of certain topics like career and love. Sometimes the peaks will be wonderful, sometimes not so great, and others a mixed bag. The peaks can be timed down to the day in some cases. Knowing how long the storm will last is extremely helpful. This is an add on feature only.
$50 add on