March 2023 Astrology Forecast
Hey Y’all,
Welcome to today’s episode of Cozy Couch Astrology where we’re going to go over the astrology forecast for March 2023. I’m your hostess, Mick Collins with Ceiba Tree Consulting. I practice traditional western astrology with whole sign houses to help people reach both big and small goals in life. If you’re aware of what’s possibly coming and have the planning tools at your fingertips, there’s a higher chance for success.
Before I begin, if you don’t feel like reading the horoscope report, be sure to sign up for my newsletter for alerts to when the video version is up on YouTube. I’d love to have you. Alright, grab your drink of choice and let’s dive in to what’s happening in March and remember we’re sticking to the seven traditional planets today. Not cause I don’t like Neptune, Pluto or Uranus but because I’m doing the keep it simple sweetheart method and I find that including the outer planets can make things confusing to people just starting out following the transits of the planets.
March is where the astrology of the year finally starts to pick up speed. We’re going from only 9 traditional transits in February to 17 traditional transits in March. All planets are direct this month and Mars finally leaves Gemini on March 25th when it moves into Cancer ending its months long stay.
The month has its first three transits almost immediately on Thursday March 2nd. Venus and Jupiter make an exact joining at 12 degrees of Aries at 12:35am. The chart is ruled by Jupiter and it wants to create cheery and bright experiences. The vibe is fast moving direct hits like how the archer on TikTok shows us how to hit the target every time. Satisfying, entertaining, and short lived joy. The planet of artistry and beauty joins the planet of optimism and generosity at night in the fifth house of creativity fun and children. The fifth house is where Venus finds her joy and since this is a night chart both things give her an extra boost. Even though this joining is giving beautiful gowns and gorgeous parties with lots of food and overflowing flutes of Dom, keep an eye out for a boatload of snobbery and individualism. This might be more of a beauty and love to get ahead of the crowd at any cost instead of for the greater good. You’ll make bigger strides if you use this beauty for acts of good. Jupiter rewards efforts long term and people have even longer memories.
Nine hours later at 9:34am Mercury and Saturn also make an exact joining in Aquarius, Saturn’s own sign. Venus rules this chart and is asking to maintain material security in a pleasurable way even if it takes lesson after lesson until you finally get it right. It’s that whole try, try again vibe which can make you feel like you want to give up. Don’t. cause for every time you abandon a thing cause it’s too “trifficult” as my kids say (too many episodes of Bluey over here) someone else with more resilience will come up and finish what you started. Don’t fall into the trap of over thinking what’s the right thing to do or say. Go with your gut and if you mess up then no big deal. Mark it off as something that didn’t work the way you wanted it to and move on.
Mercury leaves its fast thinking straight communicating style of Aquarius and moves into the sugar coated round about wordy style of Pisces at 5:51pm. It’s a Mercury ruled chart so that’s a bonus for how its whole stay in Pisces will go. There’s curiosity and exploration of information. BUT, the way it communicates can just lead to headaches. People adding extra meaning or hearing something you never said. Luckily the vibe only lasts a little over two weeks because Mercury is zooming through Pisces.
Tuesday March 7th brings the Virgo Full Moon at 7:41am and hopeful energy about the hard work you’ve put in paying off which is what happens when you keep your eyes on your own damn paper. There’s big wishes and hopes with this Full Moon with a focus on self. This is absolutely a Full Moon I would use to charge materia with to feel self-confidence regarding a person’s abilities and appearance.
Within an hour of the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn moves into Pisces at 8:35am, joining the Sun and Mercury. The moment a slow moving planet enters a sign is important in whole sign astrology as it sets the tone for the entire stay. The planet of boundaries entering the sign of dreams and humanity could pull the stick out of Saturn’s ass OR dim Pisces’s hopeful light with unnecessary worrying. Even though the chart is asking for stability of things like food and material goods, it’s set to be tricky and breaking all the previously set rules in order to do it. In order to survive Saturn’s time in Pisces, it’s important to trek forward one foot in front of the other and have faith that playing it safe will work to your advantage. Having a positive mentality and focusing on better mental health will go a long way. Don’t let your feelings tear you to shreds for having slow progress in which ever house Pisces falls for you in your chart.
Venus and Mars have a beautiful energy in the nature of Venus on Saturday March 11th at 9:51am. Make sure to let the kindness and love have more control than your need to press forward. Being more receptive and laid back will help you to get out of your own way. Rushing forward with words or tech can cause issues you never wanted or intended.
Two events happen on Thursday March 16th. (Side note, we’re now in Eastern Daylight Time.) First, the Sun and Mars are in conflict with each other with a square at 2:09pm. Mars is a menace here in the place of mental health and hidden enemies. The chart wants to build emotional security in relationships by creating healthy emotional boundaries. It’s time to use the uncomfortable thoughts and inner dialogue, shed light on what your inner child has to say. Be prepared to have some ‘holy shit’ moments of clarity over the next couple days because your intellect and ego are very close to being able to be in direct ability to use your words to communicate those inner thoughts.
At 6:34pm Venus enters her home sign of Taurus. Girlfriend is HAPPY. The vibe of the chart is bountiful blessings. She might not be the most powerful benefic due to it being a day chart but she has lovely relationships with the planets in Pisces and the Moon in Capricorn without any negative influence from Mars. I can see beautiful and hopeful stories and books being published during this time. Or hopeful laws being written about the safety of women (ALL women) and reproductive rights. Hopefully. We’ll see.
Early morning on Friday March 17th (St. Patty’s Day), the Mercury cazimi (smashing together of Mercury and the Sun) happens at 6:44am and Mercury is in the process of becoming an evening star. The uncomfortable thoughts from the day before are allowing for emotional closure for yourself and an ability to effectively communicate those needs to other people. Your family may not be receptive to what you have to say. They might push back. The tension between Mercury’s words and Mars’s aggression from 12:34am is still in effect. Those hurtful comments from people you love are gonna hit home. Direct hits straight to the heart. Just remember that honesty without kindness equals cruelty and kindness without honesty is just lying. Don’t be so rigid that you cause self harm but don’t let the hurtful dismissive deflection of family confine you either. Know that there’s steps to forgiveness. Someone needs to genuinely ask for it then use actions to show they’ve learned from their mistakes. Even then, there’s nothing that says you have to forgive them. AND if you choose to forgive them, you don’t have to keep them in your circle. Be free.
The day ends with a lovely vibe of pride in your efforts when Venus and Saturn form a harmonious aspect at 6:25pm. You might feel worse for wear cause the past few days have dragged you through the mud by your hair, but damn it you survived that shit. Chin up.
Sunday March 19th at 12:24am has Mercury leaving the wishy washy communication style of Pisces and entering Aries to join Jupiter by sign. It’s giving great comedic acts about the ridiculousness of traditional family values and structures and their relationships with children that hit the nail on the head while punching up in the power dynamic and not down.
The Spring Equinox happens Monday March 20th at 5:25pm. A flexible focused effort on material security is the focus while the Sun enters the 8th house of taxes. So… don’t be surprised if Aries season has a super focus about the ability for Americans to finally have an easier time filing this year. Cause let’s face it, our system is jacked to hell.
The next day, Tuesday March 21st, brings the first Aries New Moon of the year at 0 degrees of Aries at 1:22pm. It’s an extremely fortunate chart (in my opinion) with the Lot of Fortune directly on the ascendant supporting the New Moon in a harmonious energy reminding us even though it’s a new beginning of how we present to the world and want independence, that it’s necessary to heed the warnings of those who have come before us. Getting thrust into the spotlight before you might be ready can lead to cocky mistakes. Don’t end up like the prince from Beauty and the Beast.
Finally the moment we’ve all been waiting MONTHS for, Saturday March 25th brings Mars to Cancer at 7:46am and an energy of sweetness. Mars is leaving its aggression and manic inability to make a damn decision behind. He’s in the moon’s sign while the moon is in Taurus, its sign of exaltation with Venus, the ruler of Taurus also there. Not only is he receiving Venus and the Moon’s blessings by being in Cancer but the energy is of the nature of Venus. Could there be fire tornadoes in the middle of the ocean? Sure. But the trouble Mars causes at home is eased by Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter (which is in Mars’s sign).
Tuesday March 28th at 2:50am has Mercury exactly joining Jupiter in Aries yielding extremely successful results after a lot of work and effort being done on the home front.
We finish the month with the last transit on Thursday March 30th when Mars has a harmonious aspect with Saturn in the nature of good ol’ Jupiter at 3:03pm. It’s the feeling of standing in the spotlight and earning awards. Feeling lovely for being acknowledged for efforts whether in verbal praises or receiving other people’s time and energy. It’s a need to keep feeling alive and seen by those in power and coincidently booth the GLAAD awards and BAFTA games are on this day.
Time to think about how this month can work for you and to your advantage. When you’re trying to figure things out remember to keep it simple sweetheart. Astrology is a language and it doesn’t need to be technical. It can be direct and fun. You’re worthy of all the good things coming your way.
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Until next time,