April 2023 Astrology Forecast

Hey Y’all,

Welcome to today’s episode of Cozy Couch Astrology where we’re going to go over the forecast for April 2023 where the theme for the month seems to be emotional overwhelm. Sorry to say.

I’m your hostess, Mick Collins with Ceiba Tree Consulting. I practice traditional western astrology with whole sign houses to help people reach both big and small goals in life. If you’re aware of what’s possibly coming and have the planning tools at your fingertips, there’s a higher chance for success.

Before I begin, if you don’t feel like reading the horoscope report, be sure to sign up for my newsletter for alerts to when the video version is up on YouTube. I’d love to have you.

April has 12 transits total and even though it’s Aries season the month has extreme Venusian energy especially since the first transit on Monday April 3rd is Mercury moving into Venus’s sign of Taurus at 12:22pm. Not only is Mercury more grounded and luxurious with their words in Taurus but it’s slowing down drastically to prepare for its retrograde near the end of the month. With Mars in the first house at the time Mercury enters Taurus you might feel like you have to fight boredom. Maybe consider sitting in it for a while or have a nice long lunch with friends or acquaintances who want to see you thrive in your career. For the love of all that’s holy don’t sign yourself up for classes or a new degree unless you plan on being stuck pursuing it for a LONG time. And expect that journey to be emotional as hell.

Wednesday April 5th at 12:20pm brings a harmonious energy between Mercury and Saturn. With both planets at 3 degrees in the their respective signs (Taurus and Pisces) the vibe continues from the third and realistic down to earth conversations about relationships or possibly laws regarding relationships are brought into the public eye.

Thursday April 6th the Libra Full moon at 16 degrees happens at 12:34am bringing with it a vibe of an overwhelming amount of work that even though it might feel like your stuck at home until all your work is done, the work is easy. It’s just time consuming and requires attention and a shining light on creativity before others will be willing to part with their money for your services.

Saturday April 8th at 2:09am brings a harmonious energy between Mercury and Mars. Have that difficult conversation with a loved one or partner about how they make you feel and what you need from them to feel appreciated and loved. Do you need them to set boundaries with family members? Help with chores around the home? Better communication during sex? Speak up. Climb that mountain to the top.

Two things happen on Tuesday April 11th. First at 12:47am Venus enters Gemini. She’s leaving her own sign of Taurus and going into Mercury’s sign of Gemini so her ability to help the work load feel not so heavy goes down. That load you’re carrying FEELS heavy and emotionally overwhelming. Be mindful of how long tasks will actually take to complete. Write down your tasks (or use the free downloadable form found here) to organize everything realistically so you don’t end up agreeing to things you can’t follow through on. Ask your partner for help and support. Don’t go it all alone. Be careful to not bite their head off when you do it though. Anxiety can be expressed as irritation (especially in us Black women) and cutting words are easier to find than kind ones when we’re in fight or flight mode.

At 6:06pm the sun exactly joins up with Jupiter at 21 degrees of Aries. It’s time to look at things from a new point of view. The emotions that were all over the place settle down. Use some alone time to calm your mind and body. Try to not fall into the trap of self righteous thoughts and behavior as though you’re entitled to things in your relationship that you’re not and instead focus on gratitude and hopefulness. Trust that your partner will follow through. Pick a struggle babes. You can’t worry about all the things all the time. It’s not sustainable. This aspect is often considered extremely lucky. Jupiter does grow things (not without effort on your part) and not always the GOOD things so… take that as you will.

Friday April 14th at 12:38pm brings friction between the planet of love and the joy killing planet of boundaries. Yes, it’s Venus’s day BUT it’s during the day so Saturn is being a pain in the ass. There’s a possibility that if your goal was to have people separate with their money quickly (or since this is one of the last days taxes are due in the USA, getting a fast turn around on your tax return) that you might not get that result. But give yourself praise and accept the acknowledgement from others for your hard work. This transit isn’t as harsh as you might think. Venus and Saturn have respect for each other and generally a nice relationship.

The next two transits don’t happen until the following week on Thursday April 20th with the Aries solar eclipse at 29 degrees at 12:12am. The vibe is the same as April 11th except the burden of all the things you put on your back feel fortunate instead of overwhelming. There’s an enthusiasm for creative solutions. A few hours later 4:14am the Sun enters Taurus joining Mercury helping to put those creative solutions to action. They’ll work too so long as you’re able to maintain your flexibility and don’t let rigid Saturn cramp your style.

On Friday April 22nd at 4:35am Mercury retrograde begins. Although the station officially starts on April 20th, it doesn’t go exact until this day. The chart at this time is exploring the hopeful needs of emotional security. Mercury retrograde isn’t always a huge pain in the ass. It is mostly a retracing of steps that were missed before. A communication with your siblings or community maybe a hopeful calling in of how to use the assets of the community to help the most vulnerable amongst us when it comes to material goods such as food? There’s a possibility of people being stingy and not wanting to share with others they don’t believe have earned it and those people being correctly criticized with cutting commentary and grounded facts.

The next day Saturday April 23rd at 11:19pm the harmonious relationship between Mercury retrograde and Mars happens. Now this is going to circle back to what happened on April 8th. There’s the vibe of overwhelming work load again. a rehashing or review of what was the issue a couple weeks ago except this time instead of the emotions being hidden and all over the place brimming like a boat in the middle of the ocean caught in a sudden storm, the emotions are flexible and streaming, easily received by whoever you’re trying to get to understand where you’re coming from. See? Mercury retrogrades aren’t always bad. Conflict is necessary for healthy relationships (so long as the way the words are said are respectful).

The last aspect of the month is on Tuesday April 25th at 6:47am when the Sun and Saturn have the same harmonious receiving relationship as Mercury and Mars had earlier. The vibe is a grounded gratefulness for what’s working in your favor today even though others might try to make you feel like you need to dim your light to make them feel better. It might be a good idea to stay away from social media or people you know intentionally put you down because they feel some type of way. That’s definitely a THEM problem they’re trying to turn into a you problem. Don’t be surprised if there’s hidden quote tweets or enemies you didn’t even know you had trying to talk shit about what you’ve got or WHO you’ve got in your corner.

Time to think about how this month can work for you and to your advantage. When you’re trying to figure things out remember to keep it simple sweetheart. Astrology is a language and it doesn’t need to be technical. It can be direct and fun. You’re worthy of all the good things coming your way.

Until next time,



May 2023 Astrology Forecast


March 2023 Astrology Forecast