Astrology SWOT Analysis
Looking at your Natal Chart determine if you have a Day Chart or a Night Chart. If you have a Day Chart (the sun is above the ASC) Then Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun will be your Strengths and Mars will be the Weakness. If you have a Night Chart, the Moon, Venus, and Mars will be your strengths while Saturn will be the Weakness. This is a generalization. Weakness doesn’t mean failure. It simply means that area (place in the chart) requires more effort for success.
Looking at your Natal Chart determine if you have a Day Chart or a Night Chart. If you have a Day Chart (the sun is above the ASC) Then Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun will be your Strengths and Mars will be the Weakness. If you have a Night Chart, the Moon, Venus, and Mars will be your strengths while Saturn will be the Weakness. This is a generalization. Weakness doesn’t mean failure. It simply means that area (place in the chart) requires more effort for success.
Looking at your Natal Chart determine if you have a Day Chart or a Night Chart. If you have a Day Chart (the sun is above the ASC) Then Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun will be your Strengths and Mars will be the Weakness. If you have a Night Chart, the Moon, Venus, and Mars will be your strengths while Saturn will be the Weakness. This is a generalization. Weakness doesn’t mean failure. It simply means that area (place in the chart) requires more effort for success.