May 2023 Astrology Forecast

Hey Y’all,

Welcome to today’s episode of Cozy Couch Astrology where we’re going to go over the forecast for May 2023.

I’m your hostess, Mick Collins with Ceiba Tree Consulting. I practice traditional western astrology with whole sign houses to help people reach both big and small goals in life. If you’re aware of what’s possibly coming and have the planning tools at your fingertips, there’s a higher chance for success.

Before I begin, if you don’t feel like reading the horoscope report, be sure to sign up for my newsletter for alerts to when the video version is up on YouTube. I’d love to have you.

The astrology transits increase in May. We go from the 12 transits in April to 16 this month. We’re in the thick of Taurus season and the recurring theme this month is navigating work and relationships successfully by remembering to be flexible. The stubbornness of the bull is forefront this month and there will be times were you remember to have self-care timeouts. Self-care isn’t the same as self-maintenance. The care is a step above the maintenance and it’s going to vary from person to person. It’s not just about spending money on yourself or exercising or getting yourself out of panic mode to make good decisions about what you need in life.

We kick off the month with the first transit which happens at 7:27pm EDT on Monday May 1st when the Sun and Mercury make an exact joining in sign of Taurus. This might feel like an emotional review of relationships lost. Of the one who got away and what could have been. Try to remember the wonderful things gained from that relationship. The things you learned about yourself and the growth you were able to make as a better person so that you can find the partner for you who is worthy of who you have become. Don’t be surprised if ex’s pop out of the woodwork seemingly from nowhere. It’s ok to grieve and mourn the loss. Sit in those feelings, just don’t wallow and maybe think twice before going back into a relationship with this person. Remember how they also might have hurt your feelings and spirit. Spend time with your friends and vent about the experience or your emotions. They’ll have your back or at the very least be able to snap you out of your funk.

Friday May 5th at 12:03am EDT, Venus in Gemini has a harmonious relationship with Jupiter in Aries. Change is coming and it’s possibly in the form of an exchange between the two planets. Since Jupiter can be representative of the government it could be them working to create programs for low cost childcare so parents can enter the workforce. “If we provide you with free/low cost childcare will you enter the workforce or work more hours?” Parents in America have been asking for this for God knows how long and apparently Biden has signed an executive order regarding this issue so maybe we find out how the government plans of following through on this order on this day. It could work out on an individual level of you working your ass off from home and receiving benefits or a raise in exchange just in time for you to purchase summer camp for your kids or plan a vacation.

At 1:34pm EDT that same day there’s a challenging Scorpio Lunar Eclipse representing endings or beginnings in the themes of home versus your public image or career. There’s a possibility of being misunderstood or just not being heard at work and feeling as though you’d much rather be home instead of having to fight your way towards whatever you feel is what you’re meant to be doing in life. Your coworkers may not realize you’re in a tough spot right not and it could possibly have a negative effect your mental health or give a work frienemie a leg up. Having faith and a jovial outlook or at least faking happiness will dampen that person’s joy at seeing you struggle. Just be mindful that your emotions are going to go THROUGH it this day. That’s normal and it’s ok to feel what you’re feeling babes. Just don’t act on those feelings.

Sunday May 7th at10:25am EDT Venus leaves Gemini and enters the Moon’s sign of Cancer. Hello self-care Sunday to battle boredom. I’d stay away from waxing or anything with heat as there’s a possibility of getting burned by hot liquid on this day but enjoy the facial or massage. Maybe a nice long soak. Or a mani/pedi with friends to keep work off the mind. Think of booking a spa further from home. Just know that this is going to be a leisurely all day kind of event. Mercury is still stationed retrograde so you’re going to have to double and triple check whatever reservations you’ve made and know things are going to take their sweet ass time. 

The next astrology transit happens on Friday May 12th at 4:41am EDT when Mercury Retrograde in Taurus has a harmonious energy with Saturn in Pisces for the second time. Remember what happened on April 5th? That theme or topic is coming back around. This time the energy is safer and stable. A calmness of solitary activities and enjoying of your own company. It might be a need to stay home and read your books or do that hobby that doesn’t require another person to participate.

Later that same day at 10:43pm EDT Venus in Cancer also forms a harmonious energy with Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. When I tell you this chart is telling you to stay your ass home. Stay home. Not because anything bad is going to happen but because talking to others feels like work and on a Friday night… who needs that? Not me. Also even if you make plans to go out and party it up there’s a chance that something happens at home that keeps you from being able to go out anyway.

The next day on Saturday May 13th at 2:56am EDT Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Cancer form a harmonious relationship in the energy of Jupiter. I’m going to say this and please don’t judge me but this reads like one of those long lasting sexual encounters that meet your every last wish. It’s pleasing and enjoyable and there’s stamina involved with great dirty talk. Yes I could be super wrong but for your sake (especially for the Pisces rising folks) I sure hope not cause who couldn’t use a good sexing? Just be mindful if you’re not trying to procreate cause… just saying.

Sunday May 14th at 11:17pm EDT Mercury stations direct in Taurus. Keep in mind that this day is Mother’s Day in the USA so if you have made reservations or ordered presents remember to double and triple check so that the mothers in your life aren’t disappointed. If you have siblings emotions might run a little high because they wanted to do their own thing or might have been asked to spend the day with their significant other’s mother as well as yours. Things can get a little dicey with a new tradition and people’s feelings can get hurt.

Jupiter leaves the sign of Aries and enters Taurus on Tuesday May 16th at 1:20pm EDT. The planet of jovialness entering the Venusian earthy sign of Taurus brings with it the feeling of satisfaction when your nose is to the grind. It’s a recognition from colleagues and friends that you can handle your shit. We might see results of huge court cases coming to light not necessarily with the needs of the people being kept in the forefront. It could also mean that certain earth goods that were lacking are now found to be in abundance. Like the rice shortage that we’re seeing or the formula shortage might be rectified.

On Friday May 19th at 2:39am EDT Mercury in Taurus has a harmonious energy with Saturn in Pisces for the third go around. Coming with it this time is a review of community relationships or with what you can offer your siblings that began on April 5th and might have been brought up again on May 12th when you were supposed to stay home. There’s a need for new things so you can find more joy in your life and an ability to create fun things for yourself and others. Just know that you and your rigidity might be getting in the way of the overall good so don’t immediately shut down. Hear people out. This goes extra for you Pisces rising folks.

The Taurus New Moon happens a few hours later at 11:53am EDT with the vibe of being the underdog at work that is willing to try new things in order to be seen in a new light or have a new beginning in how the world sees you. How much work and communication are you willing to put into your public image? Into what your new title will be? These are things that you need to do for you. That old saying of “if you knew you could not fail what would you do?” Tell those voices saying horrible things to you about what you are or aren’t capable of to shut the hell up and don’t let others suck up your precious time as their own.

Mars leaves the Moon’s sign of Cancer and enters the Sun’s sign of Leo on Saturday May 20th at 11:32am EDT. It’s time to bask in the praise from your coworkers or from your online followers who recognize all the effort you’ve been putting into your public image. You’re feeling yourself. Which is GREAT. Eat that shit up you earned it. I would be mindful of physical burns to the body. Careful cooking with fire y’all.

The Sun enters Mercury’s sign of Gemini the next day on Sunday May 21st at 3:09am EDT. Hellooo Gemini season! This can be the start of a new community project that has full support of the people even if the people in power are trying to work behind the scenes to not have that thing happen. The resources are definitely there to make this thing happen though. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an increase in people standing up in favor of gun safety laws in regards to school shootings or of children in general.

A harmonious energy between the Sun in Gemini and Mars in Leo at 1:56am EDT on Monday May 22nd. The vibe is an uncertainty regarding home and work and how to make the two work in harmony especially if you have it in your mind how things have to be and not how can I lean on my community to get this done in an effective way? How can I use my home office and things I have in my house to work smarter not harder? How can I delegate and get things that aren’t super important off my plate? Your own inability to be flexible and need to be in charge is what has the potential to bite you in the ass here. There’s a fine line between being assertive and having confidence in what you need and being insensitive and obnoxious.

Friction between Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus goes exact at 1:12am EDT on Tuesday May 23rd. It might mean having to smooth talk your partner into understanding why your time and assets are important to you or the relationship in general. The way you were able to successfully get things accomplished the day before leaves you with receiving praise and gifts from work but don’t let it give you a big head toward a work partner or home partner cause they will not care. Especially if you’re boasting about it in an unprofessional way. There is such a thing as a sore winner.

We end the month with friction between the Sun in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces on Sunday May 28th at 6:45am EDT causing all sorts of headaches. Your public image or career is causing you and your physical body stress by being too rigid with its rules. It’s ok to know this isn’t a you problem it’s a them problem. Maybe you have a micromanaging boss that’s on a power trip this day. Maybe they feel threatened by how you were able to create solutions to problems and they don’t like how you were able to move while they couldn’t. I realize this goes exact on a Sunday and not all of you work during weekends. Don’t be surprised if the energy starts on Friday and then tapers off on Monday. Or if you get that email on Sunday destroying that boundary between home and work. Don’t answer that email. Or better yet set up an automatic response in your email ahead of time that lets the other person know that you are currently unavailable and will respond during work hours.

Time to think about how this month can work for you and to your advantage. Remember the recurring themes of the month are relationships, work, and boundaries within them. There’s a difference between self-care and self-maintenance. You have to begin with self-maintenance tasks to get to the self-care. Use this month to figure out what your needs are emotionally so you can thrive and so work won’t bog you down. When you’re trying to figure things out remember to keep it simple sweetheart. Astrology is a language and it doesn’t need to be technical. It can be direct and fun. You’re worthy of all the good things coming your way.

If you’d like to receive notice when June’s astrology transits calendar and forecast hit the blog don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,



Aries Rising May 2023


April 2023 Astrology Forecast